program FlipPages; { Copyright 2012, by Paul TOTH ( } uses Flash8; {$BACKGROUND $ffffff} const {$FRAME_WIDTH 320} {$FRAME_HEIGHT 200} frame_width = 320; frame_height = 200; page_width = 120; page_height = 90; page_diag = Sqrt(page_width * page_width + page_height * page_height); page_middle = frame_width div 2; page_left = page_middle - page_width; page_right = page_middle + page_width; page_top = (frame_height - page_height) div 2; page_bottom = frame_height - page_top; type TPage = class(MovieClip) constructor Create(AOwner: MovieClip; AName: string; ADepth, X, Y, Color: Integer); end; TEffect = class(MovieClip) active : Boolean; ox, oy : Double; px, py : Double; Bitmap1: BitmapData; Bitmap2: BitmapData; Transf : Matrix; ro : Double; h1, h2 : Double; constructor Create(AOwner: MovieClip); procedure TopRight(x, y: Integer); procedure BottomRight(x, y: Integer); procedure TopLeft(x, y: Integer); procedure BottomLeft(x, y: Integer); procedure DrawCorner(x, y: Integer); function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2: Double): Double; procedure adjust(ox, oy, max: Double); end; TBook = class(MovieClip) A,B,C,D: TPage; Effect : TEffect; constructor Create; procedure DoMouseDown; procedure DoMouseUp; procedure DoMouseMove; procedure DoRelease; end; var font1: TextFormat; font2: TextFormat; book : TBook; info : TextField; constructor TPage.Create(AOwner: MovieClip; AName: string; ADepth, X, Y, Color: Integer); var t: TextField; begin inherited Create(AOwner, AName, ADepth); _x := X; _y := Y; beginFill(Color); lineStyle(6, $FFFFFF); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(page_width, 0); lineTo(page_width, page_height); lineTo(0, page_height); endFill(); t := TextField.Create(Self, '', 0, 10, 10, page_width - 20, page_height - 20); t.Text := _name; t.setTextFormat(font2); end; constructor TBook.Create; begin inherited Create(nil, 'Page', 0); beginFill(0); moveto(0, 0); lineto(frame_width, 0); lineto(frame_width, frame_height); lineto(0, frame_height); info := TextField.Create(Self, '', 0, 0, 10, frame_width, page_top); info.text := 'Book (c)2012 by Paul TOTH'; info.setTextformat(font1); info := TextField.Create(Self, '', -1, 0, page_bottom + 15, frame_width, page_top); info.text := 'Build with FlashPascal !'; info.setTextformat(font1); D := TPage.Create(Self, 'D', 1, page_middle, page_top, $0000FF); A := TPage.Create(Self, 'A', 2, page_left , page_top, $FF0000); B := TPage.Create(Self, 'B', 3, page_middle, page_top, $FF00FF); C := TPage.Create(Self, 'C', 4, page_left , page_top, $00FF00); C._visible := False; Effect := TEffect.Create(Self); OnMouseDown := DoMouseDown; OnMouseUp := DoMouseUp; OnMouseMove := DoMouseMove; OnRelease := DoRelease; end; procedure TBook.DoMouseDown; begin Effect.Active := False; if B._visible and (_xmouse > page_middle) and (_xmouse < page_right) then begin if (_ymouse > page_top) and (_ymouse < page_top + page_height / 2) then Effect.TopRight(_xmouse, _ymouse) else Effect.BottomRight(_xmouse, _ymouse); end else if C._visible and (_xmouse < page_middle) and (_xmouse > page_left) then begin if (_ymouse > page_top) and (_ymouse < page_top + page_height / 2) then Effect.TopLeft(_xmouse, _ymouse) else Effect.BottomLeft(_xmouse, _ymouse); end; end; procedure TBook.DoMouseUp; begin if Effect.Active then begin Effect.Active := False; Effect.Clear(); B._visible := _xmouse > page_middle; C._visible := _xmouse < page_middle; end; end; procedure TBook.DoMouseMove; begin if Effect.Active then begin Effect.DrawCorner(_xmouse, _ymouse); end; end; procedure TBook.DoRelease; begin // to avoid textfield selection end; constructor TEffect.Create(AOwner: MovieClip); begin inherited Create(AOwner, 'fx', 5); Bitmap1 := BitmapData.Create(page_width, page_height); Bitmap2 := BitmapData.Create(page_width, page_height); end; procedure TEffect.TopRight(x, y: Integer); begin ox := page_right; oy := page_top; ro := 0; h1 := +page_height; h2 := +page_height; Bitmap1.Draw(Book.B); Bitmap2.Draw(Book.C); Book.B._visible := False; DrawCorner(x, y); end; procedure TEffect.BottomRight(x, y: Integer); begin ox := page_right; oy := page_bottom; ro := 3.14; h1 := -page_height; h2 := -page_height; Bitmap1.Draw(Book.B); Bitmap2.Draw(Book.C); Book.B._visible := False; DrawCorner(x, y); end; procedure TEffect.TopLeft(x, y: Integer); begin ox := page_left; oy := page_top; ro := 0; h1 := +page_height; h2 := -page_height; Bitmap1.Draw(Book.C); Bitmap2.Draw(Book.B); Book.C._visible := False; DrawCorner(x, y); end; procedure TEffect.BottomLeft(x, y: Integer); begin ox := page_left; oy := page_bottom; ro := 3.14; h1 := -page_height; h2 := +page_height; Bitmap1.Draw(Book.C); Bitmap2.Draw(Book.B); Book.C._visible := False; DrawCorner(x, y); end; procedure TEffect.DrawCorner(x, y: Integer); var d, bt: Double; mx, my: Double; tx, ty: Double; rx, ry: Double; bx, by: Double; begin active := True; // Page Bottom bt := frame_height - oy; // Mouse position px := x; py := y; // Adjust distance adjust(page_middle, bt, page_diag); adjust(page_middle, oy, page_width); // Middle mx := (ox + px) / 2; my := (oy + py) / 2; if (ox = px) then // horizontal, div by 0 begin tx := mx; ty := oy; rx := tx; ry := bt; bx := px; by := ry; end else begin // Perpendicular d := (py - oy)/(px - ox); // Top intersection tx := mx + (my - oy) * d; ty := oy; // Right intersection ry := my + (mx - ox) / d; rx := ox; // Out of the page ? if (ry > page_bottom) or (ry < page_top) then begin rx := tx + (rx - tx) * h1 / (ry - ty); ry := bt; end; // Compute 4th point d := h2 / Distance(px, py, tx, ty); bx := px + (py - ty) * d; by := py - (px - tx) * d; // out of the page ? if (bx > page_right) or (bx < page_left) then begin // merge with right point to make a triangle bx := rx; by := ry; end; end; // Rotation angle d := ro - atan2(bx - px, by - py); clear(); // current face Transf := Matrix.Create(); Transf.Translate(page_middle, page_top); beginBitmapFill(Bitmap1, Transf); moveto(page_middle, oy); lineto(tx, ty); lineto(rx, ry); lineto(ox, bt); lineto(page_middle, bt); lineto(page_middle, oy); endFill(); // opposite face Transf := Matrix.Create(); Transf.Rotate(d); Transf.Translate(+px, +py); beginBitmapFill(Bitmap2, Transf); moveto(tx, ty); lineto(rx, ry); lineStyle(6, $ffffff); lineto(bx, by); lineto(px, py); lineto(tx, ty); endFill(); end; procedure TEffect.adjust(ox, oy, max: Double); var d: Double; begin d := distance(px, py, ox, oy); if d > max then begin px := ox + (px - ox) * max / d; py := oy + (py - oy) * max / d; end; end; function TEffect.Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2: Double): Double; begin x1 := x2 - x1; y1 := y1 - y2; Result := Sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1); end; begin font1:=TextFormat.Create('Tahoma',11); font1.color:=$ffffff; font1.align:='center'; font2:=TextFormat.Create('Tahoma',32); font2.color:=$ffffff; font2.align:='center'; book := TBook.Create(); end.